The internet

Isolde Charim-Ist Narzissmus eine Ideologie? | Sternstunde Philosophie | SRF Kultur

Narcissism is the dominant ideology of this time, the driving force of the competitive society. This is what the Austrian philosopher Isolde Charim claims. Yves Bossart talks to her about the dance around the self, about the dangers of self-exploitation and about complacent moralizers.

AI, without the hype

Interviews with Ray Kurzweil and Noam Chomsky in which they nuance and debunk a lot of hype surrounding AI at the moment.

Hans Schnitzler - We Nihilists

Wij Nihilisten

An elite of tech entrepreneurs has succeeded in dominating people and society in a very short time. Since the introduction of the iPhone in 2007, services such as WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat or the cloud have become indispensable. In fifteen years, a collective digital conversion has taken place that has radically changed our lives.
In Wij nihilisten, Hans Schnitzler poses a question that is hardly ever asked: how did this virtual class manage to do this? Inspired by, among other things, Friedrich Nietzsche’s writings on nihilism, he goes in search of the cultural roots of this success. His quest immerses the reader in the wonderful world of the archetype of the internet age: the nerd. At the same time, he presents a mirror to us: in fact we are all nerds.
The data revolution threatens to eat its own children. With this book, Schnitzler urges us to face our own part in this. Because only when we are aware of this change is possible.

You can buy the book here (Dutch only):


'The one who sees it all, sees nothing'

C.S. Lewis

Videos about the book and discussions about the presented issues:

All rights belong to the owners of the works presented.

AI documentaries

Interesting documentaries about Artificial Intelligence by german production house Deutsche Welle in English and Frontline from the USA. However, can somebody please write an AI plugin to remove all 'there is something sinister going on here' music from all AI documentaries.

Artificial Intelligence Documentaries by Deutsche Welle and Frontline

Disclaimer: The documentaries are from 2019 and 2020, so already considered 'ancient' in the AI developer world.

Alessandro Baricco - The Game

Alessandro Baricco presents a theory to the world why we live in the world we live in today.

He calls it The Game

Fascinating on many different levels.

Buy The Game(Italian)

Alessandro Baricco born January 25, 1958 is an Italian writer, director and performer.

His novels have been translated into a wide number of languages. He currently lives in Rome.