The Fine Art of Separating People from Their Money

The film is hosted by Hollywood star Dennis Hopper and is directed by Hermann Vaske. Shot in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco, Hopper delivers a powerful performance. Arty as you’ve never seen him before, he puts advertising into perspective of popular culture at the end of the 20th century. Spitting colour, laughing his head off, destroying books, Dennis Hopper sends Hermann Vaske on a mission to talk to the greatest ad men, directors and artists to find out about the crossover between various creative disciplines. In a visually dazzling, wickedly funny slam of creativity and media obsession, Hermann conducts unconventional kinds of interviews


Interesting to see that part 4, which is about using shock as a paradigm and which you should surely skip if you detest shocking imagery, hasn’t survived the test of time. Pulp Fiction by Quintin Tarantino, quoted in this part of the film when it was just released, has.

Steve Jobs - Stanford Speech

Steve Jobs Stanford Speech

In the eighties and nineties almost nobody in the industry gave a shit about what Apple was doing. It was called elitist and irrelevant. Apple first had to become a multi billion dollar company to be taken seriously. Steve Jobs talks about why he did all the effort trying to achieve this. Not because of the money, which is nice and gives you freedom. Spreading solid ideas, possibly beliefs, aesthetics and death are far bigger motivation.

Mary Queen of Shops

Mary Queen of Shops is a British television series presented by Mary Portas broadcast on BBC2. The series began with a four-week run starting on 7 June 2007, and returned for a second series of six episodes beginning on 9 June 2008. A third three-part series, titled Mary Queen of Charity Shops, began on 2 June 2009. The show returned for a fourth series on 7 June 2010, featuring various independent shops, rather than just fashion boutiques.

In each episode, Mary Portas troubleshoots her way around the UK on a mission to help turn around struggling fashion boutiques. Mary is a leading retail communications expert and is the founder and creative director of Yellowdoor.

Her aim is to turn the businesses around and put glamour back into shopping.

First, she visits the boutiques while the owners are away. Then she revamps them, gets the shop owners right up-to-date and hopefully helps them to start making money again.

In season 3, Mary takes on other retail shops.

Alex Polizzi - The Fixer

An appetizer on this page, but you should see the complete series. If you can.

Alex Polizzi: The Fixer is a business documentary show that has aired on BBC Two since 31 January 2012 and is presented by Alex Polizzi. The programme sees Alex turning around family businesses who are struggling for various reasons to attract customers.