Day: August 20, 2016

The Debunking Handbook, A must read for everyone in business or science

The Debunking Handbook

Stephan Lewandowsky (born 3 June 1958) is an Australian psychologist. He has worked in both the United States and Australia, and is currently based at the University of Bristol, UK, where he is the chair in cognitive psychology at the School of Experimental Psychology.[2] His research, which originally pertained to computer simulations of people’s decision-making processes, has recently focused on the public’s understanding of science and why people often embrace beliefs that are sharply at odds with the scientific evidence.

Get The Debunking Handbook here

The Debunking Handbook

John Cook is the Climate Communication Fellow for the Global Change Institute at The University of Queensland. He created the website Skeptical, which won the 2011 Australian Museum Eureka Prize for the Advancement of Climate Change Knowledge. In 2015, John was elected as a Fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, who are selected for their ‘distinguished contributions to science and scepticism’. John co-authored the college textbook Climate Change Science: A Modern Synthesis and the book Climate Change Denial: Heads in the Sand. He won an award for Best Australian Science Writing for 2014, published by UNSW.

Get The Debunking Handbook here

Fur TV - Very rude adult puppets meet DJ YoYo


Fur TV is a comedy puppet show produced by MTV Networks Europe and airs on MTV channels throughout Europe. The show uses Muppets style puppetry, but in a more adult setting. The characters are shown to undertake human activities such as drinking and having sex.

All at Wikipedia

‘Wow, all the music from your set…?’

– Lapeño Enriquez –

‘No, all the music in the world.’

-DJ YoYo-

Watch this clip from Vimeo

‘This contains all the music in the world’